Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Ready for your interview? Get hands-on tips

Always remember when asked why you let go of a previous position, or wish to leave your current job, refrain from talking about how much you hate your work, the colleagues with whom you worked with, and especially, your boss! Why do that? simple, your new employer will absolutely appreciate an employee who would always respect him.

When asked if you have any questions or queries for the employer, never act as if you have no questions or don’t know anything about the company for which you have applied. Ask questions about the company, employers would always appreciate employees who have done their homework.
Finally sell yourself but don’t look anxious or even desperate. Tell the employer your key points with his company could benefit. If you have earned a degree online, tell the employer the hard work, commitment and dedication you have put in to earn those extra credits required for your degree.

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